Education in Uzbekistan: corrupt system

Corruption in Uzbekistan has occured  all levels and  many areas of life in country. Problem of corruption affects  areas of life that are contrary should support people. The list of these areas include: education and medicine. These are the two most important areas for each state, by means of which children are born and develop. Unfortunately, corruption begins with the stage of birth.

Birth. It would seem that the medicine in the country is free and the Uzbek government should strongly support the birth rate, improve the demographic situation in the country. But here  parents  face with corruption. They must pay a certain amount of money for the doctor to childbirth were more successful, all necessary medications is necessary to buy.

It should be added that according to the Labour Code of Uzbekistan provides benefits, i.e. a one-time payment to help a child. It is two living wages, equivalent to about 230,000 soums. It is noteworthy that this money can be obtained only by working member of the family.

But that is not all. Corruption continues. When a child is satisfied with the babe in the garden, the place for him, too, need to pay a bribe. Parents are forced to pay a bribe, if there is nobody to look after children when they go to work.

The school also has a bribery and corruption. Parents pay the money to get a place in a prestigious school, send a child to school. Also, there are cases when parents pay for child’s good grades. In some cases, they are simply forced to pay the school’s management.

Good grades in school are required to go to a good university.

The system of education in Uzbekistan is very important role played by paper. Without certain documents can not go to university, get to school or kindergarten, or to receive a benefit payment. To get the most of the documents need to pay a bribe.

The modern system of education in Uzbekistan is full of bribery. In the public education system earned a lot of money. Some people are trying to fight against bribery, conscientiously study and strongly opposed to the current system. But all to no avail, because the system exposes them to harassment and repression.

In Uzbekistan, the better to be like everyone else, in another case of the same person being criticized, persecuted, various penalties.

Higher education in Uzbekistan is corrupt at all levels. In order to go to university have to pay a bribe, which is very expensive. Children from poor families but gifted simply can not afford to pay a bribe and therefore are forced to go to work or leave the country.

While studying at the University in Uzbekistan students need to take exams, each worth a certain amount of money. Students need to pay more money if they want to get a diploma with excellent degrees

It is interesting that without a diploma you cannot work in Uzbekistan I mean the high-paid jobs, for example, a lawyer, economist, manager.

So goes a vicious circle. Without certain documents you did not get to work, annot to get a diploma, but also need to pay for it.

Uzbekistan has already formed a whole system of education, which is based on bribery and it is beneficial and profitable for many officials.


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