On August 21, 2016, the “Assistance Centre” group had a regular meeting in Tashkent. The group members and some sincere supporters attended the meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Diloram Iskhakova, the leader of the “Assistance Centre” group and member of the “Birdamlik” People’s Democratic Movement. The meeting heard the ideas and thoughts about the activities of the Centre, discussed the measures to additionally enhance the activities of the Centre and exchange the views about the meetings held in provinces. In addition, together with studying the letters that were received in the post box of the Centre and letters of those, who personally delivered their messages and letters from members of opposition, the meeting heard the reports about such letters.
The leader of the “Assistance Centre” group Diloram Iskhakova told the meeting about the impressions from the group visits to Qashqadarya, Samarqand and Fergana oblasts, the life style of opposition activists and their activities.
– We visited the house of Ruzimurodovs in Alaqarga village of Yakkabag district in Qashqadarya oblast, – told D. Iskhaqova, – and together with his widow Ruzihol aya and their children we recalled the memory of former parliament member, deceased Shovruh Ruzimurodov. In Samarqand oblast, we also met several opposition activists, including Norboy Kholjigitov, who lives in Ishtikhon district and who had been sentenced to prison for 6 years for his political activities and has lately been freed from jail. During our visit to Qoqan city of Fergana oblast, we visited the families of the victims of the regime, who had died in prisons or are currently in prisons, also who have been freed lately and had some conversations over a cup of tea with them or with their family members. We all recalled Qahramon Hamidov from Qoqan, who had to die in prison, Anvar Yunusov and Fazliddin Nizomiddinov, who had been imprisoned several times. We heard the story of Hamdam Sulaymon, who had been put into prison for his political activities.
The meeting also heard the views and ideas of experienced opposition members Iskandar Khudoyberganov, Sanjarali Nazarov and other sincere supporters about the “Assistance Centre”. The attendants noted the measures and attempts to resume allotment of grants to Uzbek opposition by US Department of State, using the unused amounts of funds that had been allocated for Uzbek opposition, deserved applause.
For it is both duty and obligation of every human to render comprehensive support to those opposition members, who had suffered, lost their health in their work to enable democratic reforms in Uzbekistan, to rehabilitate their constitution, and to those politicians, human rights activists, independent journalists and their suporters, who are carrying out activities together with opposition members.
Press Center of the “Assistance Centre”.