Methods People's Democratic Movement "Birdamlik" to address the difficulties and problems on the road to peaceful struggle against the dictatorial regime of Karimov in Uzbekistan

_bahodir_choriyev_leader_uzbek_opposition_movement_birdamlik_304x171_bbc_nocreditAs a result of the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the late 1990s, Uzbekistan inherited the great economic legacy of the former system. At that time the population of Uzbekistan was just above 19 million and 100% were provided with jobs and the monthly salary was enough to completely fulfill the needs of citizens.


On the eve of the Independence of Uzbekistan, no one was going to menial labor in neighboring countries like Kazakhstan, Russia and others. No woman worked as a prostitute because of economic difficulties. To cite another example, in order to improve the lives of the population, electricity even in villages thousands of miles from the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, was continuously provided. Despite the fact that some rural areas of the republic has not yet been provided with natural gas, they had other opportunities in the system. Schools, kindergartens, hospitals, libraries, and other institutions were provided with a heating system and natural gas. From the main road to the village, roads had been renovated.

In the former Soviet Union despite the fact that the welfare of the population was maintained, the citizens were far removed from the concept of democracy and freedom. Our Uzbek people, like other peoples, have dreamed of independence, with the noble aim to preserve their traditions, customs, culture, language and religion, which nearly became extinct due to the strong ideological politics leading the Red Empire. They wanted and demanded democracy and freedom. It did not occur to anyone such thoughts as:

1) 25 years in Uzbekistan will be dominated by economic crisis and poverty 2) there will be a massive violation of human rights and freedoms 3) the concept of democracy is only a word in the papers 4) corruption will reach its highest peak and injustice will prevail 5) there will be an increase of lawlessness, failure to recognize the laws, and unemployment 6) 5 to 8 million citizens of the Republic will live in exile in neighboring countries and abroad with the aim to feed their families.

During 23 years of Karimov’s management, Uzbekistan has completely fallen into recession. During these years, all the manufacturing plants of the country and agriculture went bankrupt. As a result, unemployment came about and the life of the population reached an unbearable condition. I do not want to focus your attention too much on the hard life of the population. I think that you are well informed on the articles published on various Internet sites and other sources on the sad fate of the current Uzbek people, their massive human rights violations by the authorities of the republic, and certain beliefs.

Here is simple example of the economic downturn was caused by the government of Uzbekistan: «The Economist» President Karimov and his «fair economic policy» led to a devaluation of the national currency, and inflation has been exceeded a few thousand times. The economy of Uzbekistan is still being planned by the former communist Karimov, and at the moment there are 3 types of exchange rates in the country.

First: State Rates. At this rate, you can sell the state as many dollars as you want, but you can not have the state buy a single cent. 1 $ USA to 1984 UZ sum !

Second: The State market rate. The State sets the course for the company and manages the currency exchange rate. Here, too, the company can sell as many dollars to the state, but any company or organization can buy the currency of the State. Those companies have trade relations with foreign firms to sell 35% of foreign exchange earnings to the state at low prices. This is a way to improve the development of the companies of close relatives of the president. This course is between the state and the black market rate, it is regulated by the central bank. Only certain companies and organizations can participate in the foreign exchange markets and trading. «Strangers» of the organization are not permitted in these auctions. The head of the company who wants to participate in a «game» called currency transaction should be close to the president and his family.

Third: Black market rate. Here you can buy and sell currencies as much as you want. But you remember that you are breaking the law by changing the currency in the black market. If the Uzbek authorities know about this practice and they will catch you by law. And of course, all the currencies that were with you will be confiscated in favor of the state, and you will find a long-term prison 1 U.S. dollar at the market rate in 2890 sums.

Naturally, in any transition period when a country moves from one to another, there will be economic problems and challenges in each industry. The saddest thing is that in Uzbekistan, those big issues that have occurred 23 years ago, have not yet been resolved, but instead have moved in any even more negative direction. I believe that the main cause of political degradation, which dominates in Uzbekistan, is the authoritarian regime of Karimov, the dictator who «works» not for the prosperity of Uzbekistan, but for the fortune of his own family.

In the days of the Soviet system, the Baltic states — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — were behind Uzbekistan in terms of their economic development. After the collapse of the Soviet Empire, these countries have chosen the road of democracy, a free press and elections. Each of these countries has freely elected new presidents three times. Today, the Baltic States are equal members of the European Union, and the well-being of these people is 20-30 times better than the standard of living of the population of Uzbekistan.

You can give countless examples and talk a lot about how quickly the economy of Uzbekistan fell while under the management of Karimov. As I have already mentioned, 23 years ago even the most remote villages and villages of Uzbekistan were provided with electricity year-round. Unfortunately, today we have a problem of lack of electricity. As a result, the population has electricity for only 1-2 hours a day. The artificially created shortage of electricity in the country affects the development of other sectors. In particular, it affects students of colleges, where students without electricity are unable to gain knowledge. Due to lack of electricity in offices hundreds of computers do not work. School and college students are forced to harvest cotton during summer and fall. Even during the three months of winter, they can not acquire knowledge. There is no way to heat classrooms, because they are weak and not suitable for the heating system. As a result, because of fear of disease, the parents do not agree to let their children to school. Pupils refuse to go to school in the winter. The worst thing is that the electricity supply to the surf came even to the capital, to Tashkent. Also, the country has completely stopped supplying natural gas at the time. People are suffering, especially in the winter, without gas, electricity, coal and wood.

Even sadder is that this interruption in electricity is affecting district hospitals and provinces. As a result, surgeons have to operate on patients under candlelight. And hundreds of people die on the operating table. Thousands of babies are born with under candlelight in the maternity wards.

Here we have to mention that Mr. Karimov had a peculiar method of destroying the gene pool of the nation, in order to prevent a recession, which originated in the country. In his view, the main objective to prevent the financial crisis in the country is to prevent the growth of the population. It is for this reason, Islom Karimov gave consent to compel the forced use of contraceptives for women, in order to limit births. According to the most inhuman instructions of President, for several years, the Ministry of Health blocked the development of women’s ovaries.

Today Uzbekistan can be compared with a terrible hell that exists on earth. All that you now know, is a small part of all the suffering of the Uzbek people that has gone on for 23 years. I do not want to move away from the main conversation, stopping for defects, such as social inequality, corruption, injustice, lawlessness, which is developing day by day under the dictator Karimov. Now I want to draw your attention to another problem, that is, the process of political struggle.

Why do the citizens of Uzbekistan — a country which has the corruption, unemployment, economic decline and poverty, injustice and violence restricts freedom of speech and the press, all the rights and promotion rights, persistent human rights violations — not revolt? Why are people silent? Naturally, in order to answer this question, we first need to properly assess the nature of the Karimov regime. We need to put the right «diagnosis» of the rule of Karimov.

Throughout the world, the head of government is elected by the people with confidence and friendship in honest elections. In such cases, the executive who received the confidence of his people tries to justify it. He uses his power to always try to be closer to the daily life of the people, to hear their opinions, and make sure the demands and wishes of the people are taken into account. In countries where there is an elected democracy, the change of power is peaceful and calm. Only the heads of the state, who seek to develop the welfare of the people, can give his people a peaceful and prosperous life while developing the country. There is fruitful work in this direction.

In a severe ruling, a French court recognized that Karimov dictatorial regime is considered neither of the people nor a reflection of their views. Karimov does not want to listen to the people, consider their views or work with them, but rather meet his goals through violence and fear.

Totalitarianism reigns in the country. Websites and media are severely controlled. Membership in political organizations is strictly prohibited by the regime. Freely attending mosque, thinking independently, criticizing the regime and holding peaceful demonstrations are all strictly banned.
Those who would dare to violate the above prohibitions are punished severely. In Uzbekistan, the remnants of a bureaucratic system of the Soviet Union linger. The planned management of the economy and the iniquities of injustice dominate the country.

Uzbekistan still remains an agrarian country. The main raw material – cotton – is harvested through the forced labor of students. However, in 2012 the Uzbek government has tried to mislead the international community by claiming that they have allegedly refused to use child labor. But there is another side of the problem, and on this we cannot be silent. In Uzbekistan, there are 9 years of secondary education. Given that the age of a first-grader is 7, a student at age 15 finishes school. That is, college students and lyceums are full of 15-16 year old teenagers. So should it be considered proof that the government of Uzbekistan dares to employ students of colleges and lyceums? Furthermore, it should be noted that the exploitation of children in cotton fields does not pay. The amount is withheld during harvesting for accommodation, travel expenses and meals. Even some children are debtors.

I can safely say that the almost 30 million people who live in this country live in horrible terror and fear.

How does Karimov’s terrorism work?

From his first days of government when he came to power in 1989, Karimov began to move to consolidate its power.

He invited the government agents, those who were close to him, and gave them power to keep the people in fear and under pressure. He made empty promises to give meaningless financial and religious freedom. Through propaganda he deceived the people of Uzbekistan, and he immediately took up with the opposition. Opposition members were intimidated and fired, were beaten and sent to prison under fabricated accusations, and some were killed. Under intense pressure and persecution, the opposition in the country was pushed into a state of paralysis. A ban was placed on their political activities in the country. Meanwhile, the people who believed the verbal promise of Karimov about freedom and entrepreneurship also believed Karimov’s propaganda, and were observers destroying the opposition. They destroyed all the trade union organizations in the country. Only some of the trade unions for the name were retained. Persecution and pressure was also directed at religious organizations and believers. They experienced the same time of violence as the opposition. Karimov propaganda influenced believers and religious organizations. Believers and religious organizations were unable to express their thoughts in favor of the defense, and were convicted and sentenced on trumped up charges.

The third step was aimed at the wealthy and enterprising people in the country. Most of them were thrown into prison, and their property was confiscated. Rich enterprising people were so terrified that they were even afraid to find the courage to complain.

Once the opposition, businesses, and religious organizations were completely destroyed by terrible pressure and harassment, it became the ordinary people’s turn.

Over the last 10 years, vital infrastructure has become completely worn out. Factories were halted due to the economic decline, and then closed completely. The electricity, gas and petrol, which are assigned for sale to the public for the scrip are sold abroad for the U.S. currency, and the proceeds are kept in special bank accounts of the president’s family abroad, outside Uzbekistan. Thus, Karimov provides for his family by illegally obtained money. People are tired of injustice, but are still reeling from fear and pressure.

In all the violence and persecution in Uzbekistan is the power of government. In fact, the National Security Service and Interior Ministry ignore the fact that their main task is ensuring the peace of mind and security of the people. All of their activities and attention is directed toward illegal action. They are not for the preservation of peace and security of the people and the country, but only for personal safety and peace of mind of «President Karimov”. All political organizations that wish to achieve a peaceful retirement Karimov, including our People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik,» are brought under control with strong pressure and harassment by the security forces of the Government of Uzbekistan. Uzbek security officers have full permissions to degrade people, conducting illegal activities and actions, and illegal personal enrichment through various violations of the laws. On one hand, the fear of the regime, and with the permission of all others led to the unconditional submission of Karimov. Under pressure Karimov, gave permission to the security forces to oppress and torture Uzbek people. Because of the strong fear of security forces, people were prepared to accept humiliation and injustice, bending their heads in silence. Numerous agents, who are among the people, watching the sane people, and trying to «re-educate» them with security forces, who does not change his opinion, they scare the prison, and if they want to even go to the physical destruction.

Young people, who once studied in the National Security Council and law enforcement to protect and serve our country, the people and their president, today, under the pressure of a powerful machine of fear, are turned into cogs in the machine. Young professionals who have just joined the security forces absorb a negative concept of unofficial opposition movements, believing that they are the traitors and enemies of the people, and that we must fight them mercilessly. With such ideas they push theyoung personnel security forces to protect the regime forcefully. For years, these same young recruits have grown and gotten used to the injustice and lawlessness in the country. There will be a times when they will understand the value of the illegal orders of their superiors and realize their mistakes. They may even be able to change their concept of the opposition in a positive way. But they already have bloody hands by following the illegal orders of the regime, and they will be enriched by illegal means. Their desire to move into the opposition and help them in the fight for the future of the nation, on the one hand, may stop the Karimov regime, on the other hand a sense of fear of the opposition makes these employees into zombies.

The National Security Service and Interior Ministry did not know how to consider the opinion and abilities of its employees. Each employee who dared to contradict his superiors in favor of the protection of the oppressed people was immediately subjected to torture to be «educated» and «put on the right path” – punished to serve as an example to others. The torture of a man who stood up against his superiors, in turn, prevents the fight against the leadership of the Karimov regime and his illegal policy toward his country and his people. And they’re like all the other cogs of the machine of fear, too, which make use of violence against its own people and the opposition. People bitter about their discharge from the law enforcement agencies are not left alone. They remain under close supervision and are required to stay silent. Whomever disobeys an order is physically harmed. People become used to hopelessness, fear and constant threats,this injustice becomes their reality. Power structures that keep people of Uzbekistan afraid for themselves also are in fear of the president and his trusted team. Because of fear of fighting against their own people, the National Security Service and the Interior Ministry unquestioningly obey every illegal order of Karimov. Yes, Karimov relies on power structures that are part of the people to keep the people in fear and terror, it is true. Security officers carry out the illegal orders Karimov today. The absence of laws in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the activities of the National Security Service and Interior Ministry prove the truth of our opinion.

Karimov’s team, which holds the security forces at bay, is not interested in the political growth of the Uzbek people. The creation of a political party to be on the team, even a group of four people holding meetings, basically every desire of the people to hold protests intimidates the Karimov regime. The political development of a simple nation and its identity and its political activity horrifies Karimov. Terrified of riots, Karimov humiliates and oppresses his people, who sooner or later will rise. He is afraid of the people, so he is trying to keep it at bay. In this situation, there was a great circuit and this is how the chain will be broken, and then all fear disappears. And this is over «Karimov»’s mode.

Among the security forces there are many negative opinions about the opposition. They cannot believe the opposition. They think, “If suddenly the opposition comes to power, of course we’ll all be punished.» The fear of the opposition forces of the security forces to obey Karimov and turns them into slaves of the regime.

So, on one hand, the dictator Karimov rules with «carrots and sticks», on the other, the fear that the opposition will come to power pushes the illegal and inhumane dictator to make sure this illegal power structure carries out his bidding. As a result, Uzbek people are controlled by terror and fear.

The main task of the opposition is to get rid of that sense of fear among the Uzbek people. They need to bring a sense of courage to fight against injustice. I believe that only a fair and free press can assist us in the reporting of our main noble objectives and relay the plans of the Democratic People’s Movement «Birdamlik» to the public and to the people of Uzbekistan. Only when our goals and ideas reach the people, will be they be freed from slavery and the NSS/Karimov regime, only then will they move away from dictatorship. If the NSS will work with the people, they can stand up to the opposition, or will be supported. That’s when the Karimov regime will lose support and fall.

What does the People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik» need to do in this fight?

The opposition against the Karimov regime, has admitted many mistakes. As a result, the government of all political organizations except PDM «Birdamlik,» has been alienated from the political field.

We, the activists formed PDM «Birdamlik» after all the opposition groups had been fighting against the Karimov regime in various ways. Unfortunately, as a result of their struggle, the Karimov regime was able to get stronger, not weaker.

People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik» was founded in April 2004, and from the first day of our work we have chosen a method of struggle – a peaceful way without violence! Set a goal to achieve the implementation of our dreams and reach it without violence! For the past nine years we have not departed from its goal, and have continued fighting against the Karimov regime! In the struggle against the dictator a peacefully free and independent press plays an important tole. We also need the media like Al Jazeera — an «Uzbek Al Jazeera.»

People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik» is an independent political movement that operates independently and through its activists, not getting a single cent of financial assistance from any government or organization.

Over 9 years of accumulated movement in the budget of U.S. $ 300,000 financial aid, all the finances were spent on the goals of the movement. Of these, $138,000 dollars was allocated by me, Bahodir Choriev – the leader of the movement, with my personal savings, which I earned by honest work to bring up PDM «Birdamlik.»

We know very well how to fight against the Karimov regime and how to remove him from power by peaceful means, without violence, and know well the secrets of how to build a democracy instead of a dictatorship.

Unfortunately, our resource base is limited. From the very beginning of our movement, we need a free press as the «Uzbek Al Jazeera.» We need a very large investment for the formation and expansion of a strong and free press. We do not have this capability.

After the Andijan events in 2005 we drastically increased our struggle against «the Karimov regime.» We have tried to use the radio station «Ozodlik» (Freedom). At that time the radio station «Ozodlik» (Freedom) was the most productive press, which could share our goals and ideas with the Uzbek people. Also, funding for the radio station «Ozodlik» (Freedom) and «America Ovozi» (Voice of America), the U.S. Congress, was a good opportunity for us as democrats.

The radio station «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi» are free and independent media, which have many years of experience. It is correct that our PDM «Birdamlik» has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of these radios grandparents. Even we are far from such a thought. But, unfortunately, I have to reiterate the fact that dishonesty and unilateral behavior of some journalists at the Uzbek department of radio «Ozodlik» (Freedom), and their contradictory relationship to professional ethics, compel us to express criticism.

If we discuss and analyze all political programs, which were transferred to the radio «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi» we will see that they are not able to produce a single program for the growth and maturation of the political activity of the Uzbek people. As working journalists, how can the above mentioned stations prepare a political program, which serves to increase the awareness of the people, when they are busy advertising Googoosha –Gulnara- Karimov’s favorite daughter? How, when these journalists do not have the concept of a political strategy, and they always make fun of the opposition? Journalists for this radio station only recognize Muhammad Solih and take only his advertising.

These journalists are breaking the rules of their professional ethics. They desire to prevent foreign political organizations as «Birdamlik» in the political field and have exiled them. We, unfortunately, have no such luck as to what, to bring our people about our goals, ideas, plans, our activities and work done from the station. Or rather, we do not admit to the stands Uzbek department radios. I think that if the journalists Radio «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi» would not use censorship in relation to us, and would not lead unilateral policy; if they would not serve the Uzbek authorities and not listen to Gulnora Karimova, and would give us a fair and free platform, we would have already released the Uzbek people from factors such as fear. In short, the process of liberating the people from terror and fear of Karimov would occur faster.

Continuous propagation of the path of peaceful struggle without violence will lead to increased political activity of our people. And in turn, this would lead to a weakening of the Karimov regime, and would speed up the process of freeing the people from the oppression of a dictator.

In the course of our own efforts to reach our dreams and worthy goals through a platform on the radio «Ozodlik», we realized that this team created a horrible atmosphere. PDM «Birdamlik» did not give up in front of some journalists, who assumed the profession in one side. Personally, he and his family protested the behavior of the radio station «Ozodlik» by announcing a five-day hunger strike in front of the White House in Washington in 2006. Recently, in a demonstration outside the White House, we again expressed our discontent against the Uzbek «Ozodlik» station on December 10, 2012.

All the previous years I have been involved in various activities, I always criticized a number of shortcomings in «Ozodlik.» Unfortunately, the U.S. administration does not pay attention to our demands and appeals. «Ozodlik» has made no appropriate changes based on the criticism it receives. On the contrary, it operates as the yellow press. If we examine all of the content transmitted through «Ozodlik», we will see that only 5% of air time is allocated to discuss the opposition. Of these, 4.5% is dedicated to «Erk» party, of which the journalists the Bobojonov brothers are members. The People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik» only 0.03% of the party «Birlik» 0.4%, the rest of the remaining 0.07 % air time is given, as we see, to other political organizations.

Here, I would like you to give an example of what kind of radio station «Ozodlik» is under the Karimov regime: Last year in November we announced our plans to conduct a 10-day marathon «OSH» – «Mass joy», dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. All media, including radio «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi» were informed about our Movement. But, for some reason, the Uzbek branch of Radio «Ozodlik» see fit to broadcast only on the last two days, 8 and 9 December, of our ten-day marathon. Here are some links with essential readering: All activists «Birdamlik» were arrested.
Activist «Birdamlik» Saida Қurbonova arrested for 15 days

Surprisingly, that probably got attention from the Karimov regime, and journalists immediately ceased preparing news and programs about the marathon «OSH.» To put it more clearly, journalists of the Uzbek department of radio «Ozodlik» completely turned away from honest broadcasting of political events which take place in Uzbekistan.

On December 27, «Ozodlik» spread the news under the title:
The Case Қurbonova returned to Tashkent, Nazarov missing

Naturally, someone skimming the title would think that the news referred to the sad fate of the leader of «your movement»: Jizzakh department Saida Kurbanova, who was arrested for 15 days for active participation in the marathon «OSH” marathon and was abused and humiliated .

On December 7, Khorezm department Valery Nazarov was getting ready to leave for Tashkent to participate in the main event of the movement «OSH» near the Alai market the next day. But his house was surrounded by security forces, and now for a month, he has been missing. But the news of this was not reported, there was no word on the fate of this member of the conscientious opposition. Really, the radio station «Ozodlik» refused to mention the fact that not one, but two opponentw were under pressure from security forces, and that their life was in danger? Of these two members of opposition parties, both citizens of Uzbekistan, one was missing and the other was tortured, humiliated and insulted by police officers. And that’s just because they are members of «Birdamlik.» But the journalists o «Ozodlik» were not interesting in this news, and they do not appear to even worry about the fate of these people. How can you call this attitude and indifference honest? Where is the honesty? I wonder why Ozodlik did not cover OSH from the first day? «America Ovozi» did not even deign to say a word about the marathon «Osh».

For these radio journalists there is more important and more interesting news – faraway Egypt and its Constitution. The future of the Egyptian people is viewed as more important than the fate of people who have been in danger just because of their membership in the opposition organization «Birdamlik» in Uzbekistan. When Uzbekistan was experiencing important political events, the radio journalist «America Ovozi» only talked about the state of Egypt. Is this not contempt, and not cheating the Uzbek people?

I used to have respect and trust for Navbahor Imamova, the Uzbek journalist who works for the «America Ovozi» radio. But all that was gone. I believe with full confidence that all radio journalists «America Ovozi» now serve Karimov and his regime. If radio journalists from «America Ovozi» object to my words, I am prepared to argue with them in an open discussion to the people. If they can prove that I am wrong, I will not be ashamed to ask for forgiveness in front of people. I hope if they still have a drop of decency and shame and justice, and if they want to prove otherwise, they will cause me to duel. Here I deem the radio journalists of «America Ovozi» traitors to their people and homeland, to their profession and democracy, freedom of speech and press. And if you are not guilty? Then give me an answer ….

Now, you tell me, please, what can we do with such an unfair press, which only works on one side? What can we do? Nothing! While the Uzbek opposition will not support a free and fair press, we can hardly overthrow the existing dictatorial regime in Uzbekistan. Because the regime put bans in many online sites in Uzbekistan and they are blocked. The few people who live in foreign countries and read our site are unable to return to Uzbekistan and to convey its content to the people.

That is why for rapid political development of the people of Uzbekistan and the formation of their political views we have to use the services of air waves stations «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi», where the Karimov regime has now put hard obstacles, spokes in the wheels. Some opposition activists say, “You were against the radio station «Ozodlik» so therefore you are not given air time on the radio.» I repeat, we were not against the radio station «Ozodlik» and we fought against the activities of some dishonest journalists who serve the Uzbek government and their unjust policy of unilateral conduct. We criticized the brothers Shukhrat and Hurmat Bobojonovs who are members of the party «Erk» and well established in Radio «Ozodlik» and as well as their coworker Mekhribon Bakiyeva. We were against some of the radio journalists «Ozodlik» who worked in tandem with the brothers.

The unilateral policies of the station inspired us to hold a protest in March 2006. Because the journalists of Radio «Ozodlik» have not eliminated the defects of their unilateral policy, we will continue to struggle in the future. We want «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi» to transform into a pure and free media! We are not asking the U.S. government for financial support — we just want a fair press! We need an honest and free press! The present state of affairs, which dominates radio stations, satisfies neither us nor the rest of the opposition.

The People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik» would like to receive assistance in our media efforts from the U.S. government in two ways: 1.We need the support of the most well-known of media in the world’s democracies, which are read in Uzbekistan, for example, the Washington Post, Tribune, New York Times , Wall Street Journal, Foch, Al Jazeera. Our performance in these presses will give the People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik» an opportunity to make ourselves known to the tens of thousands of Uzbeks who work and study outside Uzbekistan. Once they learn more about the movement, it is easier for them to join us.

In the future, with the support of these young people, we can create a group of non-corrupt youth leaders, and with them we can build a bright and prosperous country! It is clear that the Karimov regime is trying to control everyone who is studying or working abroad. When one of the young people in a foreign country joins the opposition, the NSS put pressure on him. If there is no benefit from this, they begin the process of punishing their relatives in Uzbekistan from seven-year-old children to 70 year olds. This is why young people are afraid to join the opposition. We need a clean and honest press to expose the illegal actions of the NSS domestically and abroad, in order to compromise and weaken them. As a result, young people will have their confidence restored.

2. Pay close attention to the media directed at the population of Uzbekistan who live in the country. If the media brings the plans and programs, objectives and activities of the PDM «Birdamlik» based on a strong strategy to our people, if our opinions and discussions on politics, economy, society, and other problems in the country are passed along, I think that in a short time, such assistance in our media efforts will give us a positive result.

In Uzbekistan we can only overthrow Karimov regime through peaceful methods, not through violence. We need a true and free press! Possession of such a media will hasten the overthrow of the Karimov regime.

There is increasing opposition between us and the radio stations «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi». We accuse the journalists of mismanagement through unilateral policy, the ministry of the Karimov regime and the waste of taxpayer dollars. Journalists tend not to give us air time, and if given, they try not to broadcast the whole truth about our activities. Perhaps, the U.S. administration thinks it would be hard to find suitable talent to replace them. If my suspicions are correct, I would have asked for the ability of our organization PDM «Birdamlik.» I assure you that our movement for a short period (5-10 days), will contribute to the provision of talented journalists in radio «Ozodlik» and «America Ovozi» in order to lead a pure and true dissemination of news for our people. And also I can assure you that it is possible to reduce the funds allocated to these stations by 50 percent. We can do it.

Finally, let’s turn the radio «Ozodlik», which has long been working as the yellow press, into the Uzbek Al Jazeera by giving sufficient air time to all opposition groups and increasing political broadcasting by 50%. If the U.S. government would study our proposals, it would greatly assist democracy and the future of Uzbekistan!

Bahodir Choriev

Leader of the People’s Democratic Movement «Birdamlik»

Seattle University, Washington

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