Uzbek human rights activist Yelena Urlayeva released from a psychiatric hospital

The well-known Uzbek human rights activist Yelena Urlayeva released from a psychiatric hospital after a 87-day mandatory treatment. Media quoted a journalist from Tashkent Malokhat Eshankulovoy according to which efforts to release Elena Urlaeva put the United States and the German Embassy in Uzbekistan, and the Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights. Urlaeva released on 1 June.

Urlaeva herself in conversation with Uzbek media said that without the assistance of international organizations and embassies it might hold in a mental hospital before the end of this month.

Urlaeva was placed in a psychiatric hospital on March 7 after the International Forum of the rights of workers (IFRW) announced the award of Urlaeva and two other Uzbek human rights activists, carried out the monitoring of the situation with child labor in the cotton fields in Uzbekistan, the prize for leadership, courage and dedication in the name of eradicating forced labor system.

The leader of the Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan, a resident of Tashkent Yelena Urlayeva – a person of that breed who is not afraid of revenge, do not shy away from publicity. She is not afraid of accusations of inadequacy. It is flawed and inadequate system itself Uzbek authorities.

More than fifteen years Elena Urlaeva openly defends the rights and interests of crime victims in Uzbekistan regularly goes to the field to capture the facts of illegal use of the labor of adults and children picketed in support of the unjustly convicted and with the requirements of the constitutional rights and freedoms. She is involved in peaceful actions with a hint of opposition, responds to requests from local residents about a particular help.

Activities of Urlaeva led to trouble to the Uzbek authorities, who are accustomed to humility and obedience of citizens, lack of negative reaction to the outrage perpetrated by them. The authorities of all the forces trying to get her silence. Regular threats, harassment, detention, beatings, sentences, fines, sent to a psychiatric hospital – all this has become part of the life of courageous human rights defender. But it continues again and again to speak in support of those whose rights are violated, and as such, in fact, is today a large part of the population of Uzbekistan.

On the last day of May 2015 Elena Urlaeva was taken to the police department of the city Chinaz where it actually raped – physically and mentally. She was subjected to humiliating inspection, medical imaging and many hours of interrogation.

Urlaeva had to write out May 2, but the doctors Commission has extended her stay in a psychiatric institution. Ceremony  International Forum of the rights of workers Prize took place on May 12 at Washington.

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